
Pablo Ivan

Thoughts and

Introduction - April 8th, 2017

Introduction. Did I just name my first blog like that? Something structured and conventional, so me as you may have noticed because of my formal talk. Aren't all blogs like this? They talk to you elegantly and in singular to get you identified. Un truco antiguo que yo en el blog no usaré (you noticed it? I said the blog, not my blog). Ustedes lectores son los protagonistas (sería tonto escribirle a la nada). Alright, let's do business.

, let's begin with an introduction upon the building of my website. Wait... what? Si escribieron su nombre en la página principal este aparece aquí. How's that possible? Básicamente creé una referencia a una variable en donde almacené sus nombres, luego sencillamente puse la referencia aquí también. It sounds confusing at first, I know (what is a variable?).

\(\displaystyle ax+b=c \text{ where } x=\frac{c-b}{a}\)

\(\sqrt{2} \text{ is an irrational number}\)

\(\displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{n} k=\frac{n^2+n}{2}\)

\[\lim_{n \to \infty} \left(1 + {1\over n}\right)^n=e\]
[Work in Progress - Translating]


You have not completed all the fields or you have entered an invalid value, be sure to check the fields. Maybe you didn't write your age. Interesting Fact: This chat was originally designed for the purpose of being a mini application for the user. Now it helps with the blog. Any developer can use this functionality in their own website. You can proceed!

Blog Chat

Any suggestions? Want to request a blog topic? I invite you to use the fields below to leave a message on the blog. Your personal information won't be used for any other purposes than to be able to write a message Press 'Submit' when you have finished your message.

The Big Bang - $PABLO: Your comments will appear in here. This chat will evolve alongside the blog as time passes, even allowing to upload images. Leave here your suggestions for future topics or doubts about math.